Monday, April 19, 2010


The only way I can explain my day is to simply say, yay yay YAY! (I'm simply happy, let me be, you have no idea how great it is to be me) So my weekend was splendid, how was yours? I had some fun, I did some chores. My rhyming is so simple and clean, my day is glittery, so pristine.

The ocean was like an endless supply of sparkling champagne; bubbly, energetic, and wonderful. The waves were rough, and to frolic amongst them was as if you were riding a mechanical bull. The water, cold cold cold. Approximately 10 degrees above an ice cube. But a pure joy it was to conquer the fear and stand strong against the blast of cold water upon your skin. The sand was gritty, course, and abrasively found it's way into every nook and cranny of your body. It's nature's finest exfoliating treatment. You go in rough, get tumbled in the elements, and come out smooth and polished. For free! Hollywood's million dollar treatments can't even begin to compare.

The ocean is my weakness, love is my drug, and life is a trip.

With admiration,


  1. "The ocean is my weakness, love is my drug, and life is a trip."
    would be the end all first line of my autobiography if you wouldnt mind me qouting you

  2. that one-liner=my lifes story!
