Thursday, April 8, 2010

Something Worthwhile

Do you ever feel like you get into a lull? Like life slows to a crawl and you're thoughts are only the impulses of reactions to what surrounds you... That's have I've felt recently. Like there's nothing spectacular going on. Now, this is only thought numero uno. It's one of boredom.

Now here is thought numero dos. How can we accept and enjoy what is good, if we do not accept and enjoy what is less than spectacular? (Note how I don't use the word "bad") It's like this: I enjoy the days that are overcast in grey, with dreary skies and drizzle. I think they're amazing, and I appreciate them. Why? Because if I ONLY knew sunshine and blue skies, I wouldn't appreciate it quite as much.

Here's what I'm getting at... When life gets you down, try to appreciate it. Open your mind and your heart to what lessons are available for you to pick up. Learn to appreciate the "down" times, so that when you start heading back up, it's SO much more enjoyable.

Knowing pain intensifies love.

Knowing rain intensifies sunshine.

Now for a conclusive bit of inductive reasoning: I need to enjoy this lull in my life, because it's only temporary and when I reach another upswing, It's gonna be SWEET!!

I hope you understand.



  1. what you've described is a great outlook on life ... we should all strive to look at situations like that, however its very difficult for some people to look it things that way..... but we're all humans we learn as we go... you have a great spirit and your happiness is contagious which is great....We'll all learn sooner or later how to make lemonade out of just takes time
